Aidan fruit

Sku: 147514
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Aidan fruit

Sku: 147514
In stock
$CAD 26.81
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Traditionally, aidan fruit is used as a spice to season several popular African dishes. In herbal medicine, women use it to fight various conditions that are typically feminine(menstrual disorders, childbirth problems, post-birth problems, etc.). It's highly coveted because it's an all-in-one natural remedy like its homolog vetiver roots.
This fruit gives off a pleasant fragrance and leave notes that are fruity, sweet, tangy and astringent in the mouth.

Scientific name : tetrapleura tetraptera
Other names:  prekese, jawanib, khemar, Aridan
Botanical family : Fabaceae

Composition* : zinc, copper, calcium, magnesium, manganese, terpenes

Properties* : analgesic, anti-ulcer, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory

Uses : decoction, incense(to attract luck), herbal bathyoni steam, cooking

Indications* : heavy periods, fibroids, ovarian cysts, blocked fallopian tubes


 Weight : 200g

Origin : Cameroun

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