Djeka leaves

Sku: 332807
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Djeka leaves

Sku: 332807
In stock
$CAD 21.69
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In West Africa, djeka leaves have been used for decades by women to relieve painful menstruation and to recover from postpartum ailments. They are highly appreciated for the fruity and delicate taste they leave in the mouth.
Bonus: they help tighten the vagina.

Scientific name : alchornea cordifolia
Common names : ogymama, bambami, christmas bush
Botanical family: Euphorbiaceae

Composition* : iron, flavonoids, tannins, amino acids

Properties* : anti-bacterial, vaginal astringent, cleansing, soothing

Uses : infusion, herbal bath(yoni steam)Watch a way to prepare herbal baths..

Indications* : anemia, gastrointestinal problems, vaginal infections, vaginal tightening, postpartum injuries

*non-exhaustive lists 


Origin : Ivory Coast

Weight: 50 g

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