Vegan food intolerances

Sku: 161365

Vegan food intolerances

Sku: 161365
$CAD 335.00
Product not available for online purchase

If you're suffering from digestive problems for no apparent reason, chances are you're eating foods that you're intolerant to on a regular basis. There could be different reasons why you're intolerant to certain foods such as chemical compounds present in the foods, enzymatic failure, irritable bowel syndrome, etc.

This test is for you if you want to know what you can eat every day, occasionally and what you need to eliminate from your diet for better digestive comfort.

Test details 

  • 160 foods analyzed(spices, yeasts, cereals (with and without gluten), sweeteners, fruits, legumes, vegetables, sauces, condiments, seasonings, stimulants, nuts and seeds)
  • analysis using a capillary blood sample
  • more details